Fix Your Facebook SEO And Page Settings To Double Your Inbound Customers!
Watch This Case Study To See How You Are Practically Throwing Money Away…
Fixing Facebook SEO Is Among The Best Ways To Generate Good Leads!
When your facebook is not configured properly, It is losing you new customers but with just a few tweaks you will be able to generate a steady stream of new potential businesses from your facebook page.
Facebook has very specific settings that you need to have set correctly otherwise you won’t get the same level of exposure as you should.
Nearly half of your customers are searching online before they call or visit your store. This is the moment when customers decide to order from you or someone else. A simple oversight like not having the right page name, little or no content, bad pictures, etc., can send them to another establishment and lose you the money they would have invested in your business.
Successful businesses will like to lose money where they can improve tremendously. So don’t spend time endlessly messing with facebook technical stuff.
Why not let us do the work for you?
Everything will be set up right for you, so you can focus on providing the best service you can to your customers and forget about the details of Facebook marketing.
Normally, there is a charge to set up everything as well as a monthly retainer fee to everything working and improve continually but not here.
You can see 10, 15 maybe 20% increase in business on a long-term basis. However, this is one-time optimization and search engine friendly setup.
We recognize that it is a powerful tool to grow your business and will want to work with you for even GREATER RESULTS!
One – Time Optimization Fee Of $500 $299 USD.
Value Package Includes:
- Google Search Results
- Optimization Of Profiles
- Business Page Optimization
- Video Header & CTAs
- Increased Connections
- Content and Image Optimization
- Advanced Settings Check
Results Are Very Visible And Guaranteed!
Contact Us or call 908 800 0092. We will get you up and running asap.